What is typical, for her, is that she never even considered graduation invitations. Until three days before they had to be mailed! Then she mentioned to me that she hadn't ordered any. Yipes! That meant we (I say we), had to make them ourselves.

Actually, this turned out very good. I already had some linen card stock and matching envelopes. Now I needed a design and the proper wording for the inside. I hunted around the internet and found a simple design for the front that my printer could handle. Her college website offered official logos that could be downloaded at no charge.

I found various styles of wording for college invitations, and chose the one I liked best. Then I had to make sure exactly how her degree was worded, where the ceremony would take place and when. Once I had the wording in place, I decided it needed a little something extra. I used a black graphic of a running horse and put it behind the wording. It was opaque enough to see, but faint enough to easily read. It looked great!

Her college invitations were absolutely perfect for her! Doing the invitations ourselves meant we could customize them just for her. And my unfussy girl(?) was delighted with them.
It wasn't a difficult project, but I would suggest giving yourself more than three days to do it.
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